Synapse Audio Dune v2.5 Bundle 2018
[ · Download from mirror () ]2018-02-23, 2:57 PM


Dune is a wonderful synthesizer that gets overlooked by a lot of people.  This installer is intended
to make the installation of Dune as simple as possible--and includes a collection of wavetables,
presets, arp midi, and skins.  The user is not required to input a serial.  Included in the release
are three skins that I made to be used with smaller display resolutions (such as 1366 x 768).  Also
included is a set of 25 wavetables that I created.  To prevent a "MIDI too long" error, 7 MIDI files
were removed from the ArpMIDI library.  Dune can load polyphonic MIDI files.  To demonstrate this
feature, I've added two collections of MIDI files and two soundbanks that utilize them as sequences.
Check them out to see what the synth can do.  To minimize user-error during the installation, users
of Dune can simply use this installer and all the files they need will be placed during the install.
This update includes additional presets and two new skins (AoN Grass, Mariner & Regal).  Users can
select whether to install the entire collection of presets ad wavetables or simply install just the
factory content.  Go and make some great new music.  Much love!  -  Army of Ninjas (AoN)


User-Selected DLL file (x86/x64)
Soundbank Collection (43 Banks/4396 FXP)
Wavetable Collection (350 WT Files)
Arp MIDI Collection (10 Pattern Banks)
Skin Collection (33 Skins)
Manual (English).pdf


AoN Champagne (Army of Ninjas)
AoN Grass (Army of Ninjas)
AoN Mariner (Army of Ninjas)
AoN Mint (Army of Ninjas)
AoN Regal (Army of Ninjas)
AoN Stone (Army of Ninjas)
Default (Synapse Audio)
Default Cyan (Synapse Audio)
Default DarkGray (Synapse Audio)
Default Gray (Synapse Audio)
Default Green (Synapse Audio)
Default Mint (Synapse Audio)
Default Orange (Synapse Audio)
Default Red (Synapse Audio)
Default Violet (Synapse Audio)
Electric Green (Teksonik)
Gothic Gold Dark (SatYatunes)
Gothic Gold Light (SatYatunes)
Grey (Kriminal)
Harbor Blue (SatYatunes)
Haze (Hoverland)
Invincible Plate (Hoverland)
Kriminal (Kriminal)
Magnitude (SatYatunes)
Metal Plate(Hoverland)
Nocturn (Carriers)
Nord (Kriminal)
Plate (Hoverland)
Polar (Carriers)
Roland (Kriminal)
Roland Lite (Kriminal)
Sandflower (Flavours of Lime)
So Blue (DThree Audio)


Aiyn Zahev Sounds Spice Vol 1
Aiyn Zahev Sounds Spice Vol 2
Ambient Sounds Part A
Ambient Sounds Part B
AoN EDM Essentials Vol 1
AoN EDM Essentials Vol 2
Beatlab Audio Essentials
Bjulin Waves Magnitude
Brandon Clark Starmap
CHE Transmission
Cinebient Experiments
Cuebrick Soundbank
Demo Patches
Detail Red Press Horsepower
DThree Audio Elemental
Electronisounds Artisan EDM
Electronisounds Event Horizon
Electronisounds Filthy Basses
Electronisounds Renegade Basses
Factory Soundbank
Freshly Squeezed Samples Essential Collection Vol 1
Freshly Squeezed Samples Essential Collection Vol 2
Freshly Squeezed Samples Essential Collection Vol 3
Homegrown Sounds Dissolution
Homegrown Sounds Paradox
Industrial Strength Records Hardstyle Essentials
Joel Bisson Synthetic Illusion
Kriminal Sequences & Trance Gates
Monomo Soundbank
MyLoops Uplifting Trance Vol 2
Revenge Sounds Hip Hop 20XX
Revenge Sounds New Generation Acid
Rob Lee Essentials Vol 1
Rob Lee Essentials Vol 2
Single Presets Collection
Soundtrack Loops Renegade EDM
Synapse Audio Premium EDM
Terminal Man Sound Dunes
Terminal Man Weirding Waves
Trance Techno Soundbanks Goa Full On & Progressive
Vandalism Shocking Progressive House
Yemski Inner Space
YY Mini Soundbank

Download Dune Synthesizer

Category: Software | Added by: gelamac74 | Tags: Dune synthesizer, Synapse Audio Dune v2.5, synthesizer
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